Friday, November 19, 2010

National Opt Out Day

There are some people trying to start a protest of the body scanners that are being introduced in all of the airports. The protest calls for people traveling on November 24th, the day before Thanksgiving and also the busiest travel day of the year, to opt out of the body scanners. That means the TSA has to give those people invasive pat downs that take a lot longer than a scan.

I think this protest is stupid. It would make me very mad as a traveler if I was made late for my flight because of long lines created by protesters. I am not necessarily in support of the scanners, because I do think the images are invasive, but I understand the need for security. I hope Thanksgiving travelers do not listen to the organizers of this protest. If they want to protest, then fine, but don't do it that day and ruin many people's holidays.


  1. I was already to go and protest but could not afford the flight to no where, I even had my special undies picked out. J/K I think this protest was stupid and people should have picked something that did not inconvenience other travelers. I know I would have been irate if I missed my flight because someone wanted to prove their point. And honestly what is more important homeland security or going through a scanner that shows your bod image? Have we already forgotten about 9/11 or do we just not care if something like that happens again?

  2. I agree with you. Fortunately I did not have to travel the Thanksgiving holiday. Last time I traveled was with my daughter who was nine months at the time and I felt I was holding up the whole airport because they made me run the stroller through the X-ray machine. I fail to understand why protesters would go out of their way to inconvenience others. Understandably I can see how people are unwilling to comply with the scanners, but is it that big of a deal? The only other concern I would have which I haven't thoroughly researched is whether these machines affect long-term health.

  3. I agree with you. The protest would be absolutely ridiculous. They should just go with the usual scan rather than be pat down. I don't know about you but i'd rather have a machine scan me then have a male security officer pat me down from head to toe.

  4. I personally don't see the big deal with the body scanners. I would much rather walk through a scanner, yes they may see personal images- but they don't see your face. I would feel more comfortable with walking through a machine, then some stranger patting me down while it is taking longer. I feel that it is a security measeure. I would much rather get on a plane knowing that everyone went through a scanner and no one has a gun, that I was safe. However I heard there are a few problems with some scanners, such as employees printing pictures. That is where if the government is stepping in and making body scanners nessecary, that they must fine the people and airport securities, the ones that are not complying with government regulations!

  5. I say whatever they need to do to keep us safe in the air, let them do it. I enjoy flying and I feel better knowing they are trying their best to keep me and my family safe.
